In yoga, the seven chakras are reflected to be energy points in the body that balance the move of life energy, or prana. These points are thought to affect our physical,mental and spiritual well-being. The word “chakras” derives from Sanskrit and it means “wheel”, “disk”. Chakras are thought to be spinning disks of energy that correspond to bunches of nerves and major organs. When energy runs willingly through these, it is believed to promote harmony and well-being. If it is out of balance or blocked, you might experience a range of physical, mental, and emotional discomfort.
Yoga practices, including asanas (physical postures), pranayama (breathing exercises), and meditation, are commonly used to balance, unblock, and activate the chakras. As a result, these practices ensure that the movement of prana remains smooth and balanced throughout the body.
Chakras And Yoga Practice
Practicing yoga helps us to balance the seven chakras through a combination of breathwork(pranayama), postures(asanas), chanting and meditation. Each chakra correlates with different qualities, and focusing on the energy of each one promotes harmony and healing in both mind and body.
- Yoga Asanas(postures): Each chakra correlates to a different area of the body, and yoga poses help to activate or calm the energy in these regions. Yoga poses that target the hips, spine, chest, throat and head can stimulate and soothe it.
- Pranayama(Breathing Techniques): Pranayama is also another leading aspect of yoga that helps to balance the chakras. The breath directly affects the flow of energy (prana) through the body, and specific breathing techniques can open or calm us.
- Mantras And Sound Vibration: Each chakra connects with a specific mantra and sound, which you can use during meditation or asana practice to activate and balance the chakras. Thus, these sounds help harmonize energy flow.
The sound vibration of these mantras helps to harmonize the energy within each center. - Meditation: Meditation is an extreme way to connect with the chakras, to bring attention and awareness to each energy centre. While focusing on chakras during meditation, you can help to release the blockage and encourage the free flow of energy.
The Seven Chakras In Yoga
Before talking about the seven chakras, it is important for you to know about these characteristics:
- Location: In chakra yoga, when we refer to the “location” of a chakra, we describe the specific area of the body where the energy center sits.
- Colour: Chakra colors connect to the vibrational frequencies of light, which influence both physical and emotional states.
- Association: In chakra yoga, the term “association” refers to the connections between each chakra and various aspects of life, including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions.
- Each of the seven chakras associates with one of the five elements of nature—earth, water, fire, air, and ether (space). These elements represent different energetic qualities and influence both the physical and emotional aspects of the chakra system.
- Yoga Focus: The goal is to ensure that energy flows freely through the chakras, leading to physical well-being, emotional stability, mental clarity, and spiritual growth.

Seven Chakras
- Root Chakra (Muladhara):
- Location: At the base of the spine and near the tailbone.
- Colour: Red, energy of the root chakra that helps us connect to the earth.
- Associated with: Grounding, survival, stability and basic needs (food, shelter, safety).
- Element: Earth.
- Yoga focus: Yoga poses like (mountain pose or warrior pose) activate and balance this chakra.
- Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana):
- Location: In the lower abandon, between the tailbone and belly button.
- Colour: Orange, resonates with sacral chakra’s influence on creativity and emotional well-being.
- Associated with: Creativity, emotions, and relationship.
- Element: Water.
- Yoga focus: Hip-opening poses (pigeon pose, butterfly pose) to release emotional blockages and enhance creativity and fluidity.
- Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura):
- Location: Upper abdomen, above the navel.
- Colour: The bright and uplifting energy of yellow enhances self-confidence and motivation.
- Associated with: Personal power, confidence, and self-esteem.
- Element: Fire.
- Yoga focus: Core strengthening poses (boat pose, plank pose) to build confidence and inner strength.
- Heart Chakra (Anahata):
- Location: Centre of the chest,near the heart.
- Colour: The color green associates with healing, love, and compassion.
- Associated with: Love, forgiveness and emotional balance.
- Element: Air.
- Yoga focus: Heart-opening poses ( camel pose, cobra pose) to enhance emotional well-being.
5. Throat Chakra (Vishuddha):
- Location: Throat area.
- Colour: Blue,which governs self-expression, listening, and the ability to communicate one’s thoughts and feelings authentically.
- Associated with: Communication, self-expression, truth, and listening.
- Element: Ether (space or sound).
- Yoga focus: Poses that open the throat area (e.g., shoulder stand, fish pose, lion’s breath) to improve communication and self-expression.
6. Third Eye Chakra (Ajna):
- Location: Between the eyebrows, in the middle of the forehead.
- Colour: Indigo,it is the color of the third eye chakra, which governs mental clarity, intuition, and spiritual awareness.
- Associated with: Intuition, insight, wisdom, and perception.
- Element: Light.
- Yoga focus: Meditation, focused attention, and poses that enhance mental clarity (e.g., child’s pose, forward bends) to tap into intuition and spiritual awareness.
7. Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
- Location: Top of the head.
- Colour: Purple,connects with the crown chakra, which represents our connection to the divine and universal consciousness.
- Associated with: Intuition, insight, wisdom, and perception.
- Element: Light.
- Yoga focus: Meditation, focused attention, and poses that enhance mental clarity (e.g., child’s pose, forward bends) to tap into intuition and spiritual awareness.
In Yoga, working with the seven chakras helps you to balance your body, mind, and spirit. Yoga practice helps unblock, open, and balance these key energy centers, cultivating energy throughout the body. By addressing the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of life through the chakras, yoga can promote physical healing, emotional balance, mental clarity, and spiritual growth, creating a holistic sense of well-being.